超Huge hamburger Matterhorn in PJ (near tropicana shopping mall) This shop is a butcher and besides the shop, there is a hamburger restaurant. Anyway.... It's HUGE. 2 guys and 2 girls shared one burger but I could barely eat inside the hamburger xD I could not finish half of the bun. this much for 1 person.... If you are hungry, why don't you try it?
This is all about my life in Kuala Lumpur. I love to eat, drink, fashion and travel. Hope this will make my English and Japanese writing skill improved. クアラルンプールに来て早1年半。 ここでの生活も慣れ、そろそろ開拓したい頃。 マレーシアの観光案内や生活情報を配信できたらと思います。 Hope you will enjoy my blog.