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マレーシア タクシー|The reality of KL Taxi Service

I would like to share with you that this was exactly happened to me and my boyfriend last month.

Guys, we must raise our voice when we don't get nice service in a restaurant, shop or service industries.

This note was written by my boyfriend...
Please read it for the details.

その後1時間もタクシーを待っていましたが来ず、マネージャと話し事情を説明しました、そのマネージャーまで、 「あなたがそこで1時間も待っているのは、あなたの問題でこちらの責任でもない」と捨て台詞まで吐きました。


A few weeks ago, I experienced the true meaning of bad service from the biggest (I believe) Cab Company in Kuala Lumpur. What they did was so bad that I have decided NEVER to use one of their taxis again (unless I receive a formal and proper apology from the company). 

Me and my girlfriend went to a friend's house on a Sunday afternoon. The house was on Pusat Bandar Damansara. When it was time to leave, we called a cab from “Public Cab”. When the cab arrived, we were already waiting in the lobby. He drove past the lobby and had to drive around the condo again. When we got into the cab, I told him, trying to make conversation with him, that we saw him drive past. He replied very harshly, implying that that was our fault for not being there (even though we were there). At that moment, I knew that was going to be a troublesome ride.
So, this is the route our taxi driver should have taken. The Shortest route:
(Short route)

And this, the route he decided to take:

(Long way)

This is about 4.5km longer, which makes the way about 50% longer.
I noticed this when the taxi driver skipped the exit to Pusat Bandar Damansara (see point A on the map below). I told him to take the next exit (Point B). He missed it (I thought because it was too much to the left), I told him again to take the way back to TTDI, but he said that the way he was taking (to Jalan Duta) was better. He missed the THIRD and last exit (Point C).


Now there was not going back... I should have gotten out of the taxi there, but I didn't think properly. I started arguing about the rate and the distance. I told him he should give me a discount because he took a longer route purposely, but he said I had to pay the full meter price because that is the law. I said the law also says he should take the shortest possible route. I refused to pay him for the long route.
He got angry and kicked us out of the cab in the middle of Jalan Duta (the Highway).
I called the company, outraged by this incident. I gave them the taxi's plate number and asked them to send a new cab. The lady on the phone apologized, agreed that he was rude and that they would report the driver. She also mentioned that this particular driver had already a record of misbehaviour.

(The rude man)

Later, they called me back saying that they spoke to the taxi driver and that he said (lied) that we had already passed the exit and that I didn't say anything, trying to imply that I was wrong and that I didn't want to pay. I told the lady on the phone that the taxi was a liar. I don't know why they would believe him if she had already mentioned that this taxi driver has a record. This really upset me even more, of course... and on top, there was no taxi being sent yet.
I called 4 more times, spoke to 4 different operators and they were not sending anyone to pick us up. We waited around 1 hour. I called one more time and I finally got a taxi confirmed. I asked the lady if there was going to be some sort of compensation for this treatment. She transferred me to a manager. The manager was very rude from the beginning. She said "they say you don't want to pay to pay for the cab ah". I explained the situation, and said that I could pay for the cab, but that I would expect compensation from the company because of this bad service. Her words in reply were "Now you listen to me ok? (...some explanation on why I had to pay the cab... and theeeeen the cherry on top of the cake....) If you have been waiting for one hour, that is your own problem. You have to pay the full price for the taxi". I told her I would never use that company again and she said "Thank you". I called another company and waited 20 more minutes for my new cab.

The purpose of sharing this story is not for you to stop using this company, that is your own decision. You might be happy with their rude operators and even more rude taxi drivers (I apologize to the ones that are good and honest, I know some of them are quite good). The purpose of this post is to raise awareness on the quality of service in Kuala Lumpur. Service is bad not only on taxi services, but in restaurants, transportation services, banks, guest houses, etc. They act like we are not paying and they are doing us a favor. So, fine. If they don't want to do that service, we will get it from someone who is willing to it in a proper manner.
This is why I'm taking a stand. Even though Public Cab has a lot of cabs and it's the company that will most likely have an available cab on a rainy day, I will never call them unless they apologize for the bad service (which will probably never happen). My purpose is for people that live in Malaysia take a similar attitude, but not just stop using the service. Let the establishment or company know that you will quit because of their quality of service and stand strong and don't use that company again, unless they acknowledge their mistake and apologize.


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