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Shah Alam Blue Mosque

Finally we visited Shah Alam Blue Mosque on Chinese New Year 2014!!

As it was during CNY, the traffic was quite smooth. From KL City, it's 40-50 mins by car.
I am not sure about normal weekends thou... I guess to go to shah alam would take a lot of time because of traffic jam.

What we did was more like half day trip.
We left home before noon time and wanted to have Lunch at a lake restaurant in the garden. (Of course.... because of CNY, the restaurant was closed.)

The blue mosque is actually in a huge lake garden. Besides this, there are an aquarium, an event hall and a very nice walkway, which you can jalan jalan (take a walk) or jog.
There were also some free parking space but when we got there they were full. You can also park in a shopping mall near by.

We co-incidentally met a Malay style wedding couple coming on by boat!! 

So... we parked the car and tried to go to the lakeside restaurant... it's almost at the other side from the mosque... we walked for 20-30 mins.... but it was closed... It's a seafood restaurant I found on a web, hopefully I will go there next time and report about it here...
It seems that red roof shalet was the restaurant.


 So to get our food, we decided to walk to Sacc Mall, which quite looked like "70's 80's" ?!
All the stalls in the mall were totally different from the ones in KL area. It looked really really Malaysian like.
I got clay pot kuey teao soup. 

Again, we walked to the blue mosque after Lunch, which took us for around 30 mins. On the way, we walked on a "walk way", it was quite chilling and relaxing, and reminded us of Australia. In Australia, there are several parks or gardens in cities, and you can just take a walk or jog in a nice environment. It was exactly like that. In Shah Alam garden, there are some encouragement sign board to do an exercise and exercise tools.

Blue Mosque

Finally we arrived there, and visitors must enter from the main entrance and make a registration. 
The entrance fee is free.

For ladies, we must wear a hijab and a long coat. (Free rental)

The staff asked us to wait for a while and later on a guide came to us and showed us around with explanation. (We didn't expect this!!!) So he talked about Islamic history, culture and how they pray.... a lot of things. If you want to know about the history, it might be better you study in advance. It was a bit difficult for me...

Unfortunately, I don't have a photos of inside but you may take photos.

The marble stone floor was very cooling and nice to foot. They bring marble stones from Langkawi.

After Blue Mosque, we visited Muzium Sultan Alam Shah. (Shah Alam Sultan Museum)
This was also for free.
We spent around 30-40 mins inside but the some of the panels were in Malay language, so it would be better if you bring a guide.

Since Shah Alam is not far, I will come again for one of the boring weekend.


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