Let me share some experiences of Sri Lanka trip.
In earlier blog, I mentioned that some "troubles" comes with any trip?!Let me share one of the experiences what happened to us in Sri Lanka so that you will remind these stories when you are traveling there.
1. Donation
I still believe this created all the bad experiences in Sri Lanka thou... =.=On the 2nd day of our holiday, in Kandy, we visited a Hindu and Buddhism combined temple(Kataragama Devala), as it was on Lonely Planet.
After we entered (Entrance fee: Free), a guy came out from the office room, and told us to feel free to take photos and explained us some simple things about the temple.
After we went around the temple, he came to us and told us to come into the office room. There was a monk in the room. According to the monk, he is the top monk in Sri Lanka and showed us a photo with Dalai Lama....After that we had some conversation where we are from... how many days here...
The monk suddenly asked us to sit on the sofa there....
Mina Tequila: Sit? Sit here?
Monk: Yes, have a sit here...
Mina Tequila: ...? OK...
Monk: What's your name?
Mina Tequila: My name is Mina Tequila.
Monk: OK... Mina Tequila. (Chanting)....... Good Luck, Mina Tequila. Do not remove this bracelet for 3 weeks so that you will have a good luck.
At this moment, we started to feel "Weird..."
And then another guy brought a notebook and showed us.
Guy: Look, This is the list of visitors. A lot of people do donation. Usually they do 2000Rps. Some people do 5000Rps.
And the monk put a big fan in front of us and told us 2000rps for donation.
Mina Tequila: Oh we don't have much cash now.. we will do it 2000Rps from both of us.
Guy: No, 2000Rps each.
Mina Tequila: But no cash..
Guy: Your country money is fine.
I and my boyfriend looked each other... and it was like they would not release us until we pay the donation. So no choice... we gave them 2000Rps and 50 Malaysian Rm...
Donation is supposed to be from your heart??! It does not matter how much you give. 1 or 5 or 10 or 1000.... You are the one who decides how much not the one who is receiving...
We were too naive to handle this. At the point when the monk started to chant, I should have told him nicely that I don't need this prayer for me.
Maybe he did this for good. We don't know.
Why I am so upset is, there was no proper explanation for this. He just started to chant without telling us about donation and at the end, they asked for 2000Rps as a "Donation".
It's up to you if you would like to do a donation or not. But please do not regret during your precious holiday.
前回のBlogでも「トラブルは付き物?」と話したように、Sri Lankaで起きたトラブルを紹介します。みなさんがSri Lankaへ旅行に行かれる際はこの話を頭に入れて頂けたらと、思います。1.お布施
これがSri Lankaでの初めての観光地だったので、これが全ての災難をもたらしたと未だに思っているのですが、2日目Kandy観光であるヒンズーと仏教の寺院(カタラガマ寺院)での出来事です。
Lonely Planetにも書いてあったので、よくわからないままにお寺見学に行きました。(拝観料は無料) そうすると、事務所みたいな所から、男の人が出てきて、「気軽に写真を撮ってもいいよ」というのとお寺について簡単な説明をしてくれました。
お寺を回った後、またその人が来て、事務所に案内しました。そこにはモンク(お坊さん)が居て、挨拶をすると、ダライラマと一緒に撮った写真を見せてきて、Sri Lankaでは一番偉いお坊さんだと話してきました。
Mina Tequila: え?ここに座るの?
お坊さん: まぁ、おかけ下さい。
Mina Tequila:。。。OK
Mina Tequila: Mina Tequilaです。
お坊さん:わかりました。(祈祷中。。。) Mina Tequilaさんの幸せの為に!このブレスレットは3週間外さないで下さい。幸運をもたらします。
男: これは今までの訪問者の一覧です。大体みなさん2000Rpsのお布施をされてます。多い方では5000Rpsされる方もいます。
Mina Tequila: 今、手持ちの現金が少ないんだけど。。。二人で2000Rpsさせてもらいます。
男: いや、一人2000Rpsして下さい。
Mina Tequila: でも、現金がないんだよー
男: あなたの国のお金でも構いません。
Mina Tequilaと彼氏は顔を見つめあって、、、これはどうもお金を払うまで返してくれなさそうな感じダ。。。仕方なく2000Rpsと50マレーシアリンギ(約1500円)渡して、その場を立ち去りました。
Sri Lankaへ行かれる方は是非このようなストーリーを頭に入れて、行動してほしいと思います。
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